

Words can not express how much I love the OCR (obstacle course racing) events. They make me feel alive, powerful, and like a kid again. It’s just like having fun with my buddies in the playground.

These are three OCR (aka) Mud Run’s I highly recommend. Either because I have participated in one of them or someone I know has had a positive experience running in one of these events.

This page contains affiliate links, which means, I will get a commission if you decide to purchase or sign up for any of these events or services. Obviously, at no cost to you.

This list might change or will be updated as I or someone in our Outdoor Trifecta community finds better or more exciting events.

For a more extensive list of different mud runs please read my post on 15 different races to try. (coming soon)

Spartan RaceOpens in a new tab.

Since my first Spartan Beast in 2013, I have run numerous races and distances in the Spartan events. There is a reason I have remained faithful to Spartan. They are challenging, they offered a variety of obstacles, and their after-party is a lot of fun.

Here is a list of the different events/ distances they provide:

  • The StadionOpens in a new tab. – This is a mud-free event. You will be running a 5k with 20 obstacles, inside different stadiums around the world.
  • SprintOpens in a new tab. – This is a great beginner’s distance. You will be running a 5k with 20 obstacles. Be ready to get muddy.
  • SuperOpens in a new tab. – Your skills and fitness have improved. And you are ready to go to the next level. You will be running 10k with 25 obstacles. Expect to get muddy.
  • BeastOpens in a new tab. – You have scaled up to a different fitness level. In this event, you will be facing 21k with 30 obstacles. Mudd, cramps, and tears are part of the game.
  • UltraOpens in a new tab. – This will test your physical abilities and your mental toughness. Be ready to run a 50k with 60 obstacles.

Keep in mind in most of the Spartan Race events ( except for The Stadion) are held in hilly and muddy terrain. Therefore make sure to train to simulate the race conditions as close as possible.

Whenever possible train in a single track and incorporate hills in your training as well as body weight and or lifting to strengthen your body for the challenge ahead.

Savage RaceOpens in a new tab.

I have participated in one Savage Race and I really loved the experience. Especially because I did it as a group, with my friends and family.

I was very please by the quality and the difficulty level of most of the upper body obstacles. We felt the distance between obstacles was shorter than Spartan races, significantly shortening the running. This might be good news for those who hate running.

Here is a list of the events Savage Race provides:

  • SavageRaceOpens in a new tab. – This is their longest distance with 5-7 miles and 27+ obstacles. Your grip will be challenged with their numerous upper body obstacles.
  • SavageBlitzOpens in a new tab. – This is design for speed. Run 3+ miles with 15-20 obstacles.

Rugged ManiacOpens in a new tab.

Rugged Maniac in my opinion is the most friendly version of the options presented on this page. I have not participated in these events. However, I was a spectator/ coach to my oldest daughter’s first-ever mud run.

Along with my daughter, my sister and husband also participated in the same event. I could tell they had a blast and really enjoyed the obstacles.

Here is a list of the events Rugged Maniac offers:

  • Rugged ManiacOpens in a new tab. – Great for first-timers and athletes who want to dip their toes in the mud run sport. You will be running a 5k with 25+ obstacles.

Other Events

Like I said in the beginning, I love the OCR sport and I can not stop talking about them, but most importantly, I love the training and to participate in them.

My plan for 2021 is to try out one of the Tough MudderOpens in a new tab. race series. I have heard great things about their events, except for the electric-shock obstacle.

I will keep this list up to date as much as possible. If you have a favorite race/ event, hit me up at outdoortrifecta@gmail.com. And share with me which race/event you love and why. Remember to get outdoors and stay active, stay fit.