Mountain biking on top of a mountain

Getting at least two to three hours of exercise every week is highly recommended by NHSOpens in a new tab.. Sure, this can be achieved by intensive cardio, but having fun while exercising is always a better option, no? Mountain biking allows the riders to get out in nature and away from the pollution and the crowd. It’s an effective exercise that’s suitable for all ages. You don’t even have to be a rush-enthusiast to get to enjoy your mountain bike ride. However, you still might be wondering if it’s a good exercise or not?

Mountain biking is the most effective exercise for your mind and body. As you race up the rough terrains and harsh trails, you are not just working on your legs. Mountain biking also improves your cardiovascular fitness. Unlike running, by reducing the impact, mountain biking produces less stress on your joints. Not to mention all the multiple benefits you gain from being outdoors.Opens in a new tab. It’s one of the best sports out there that target your whole body, and you won’t injure your muscles. If you are looking for fun exercise which makes you forget that you are working out, mountain biking is your best option.

Classifying mountain biking as the best exercise is a bold statement to make. There are a lot of other workouts like CrossFit, trail running, and mud runs that can be classified as the best exercises. But how is MTB the best exercise for staying fit and active? We consider it one of the best exercises out there, and listed below are the few reasons why:

Why is mountain biking one of the best exercises out there?

Mountain biking it’s an effective cardio workout.

Mountain biking is considered one of the best cardio exercises. You’ll start feeling the difference when you climb a hill or make a short run. Since the control is entirely in your hands, you can exercise without burning yourself out for more extended periods. MTB is not always about having fun and riding, it will boost your heart rate, and your lungs pumped up. It requires your complete focus as you pave your way through the rough terrains and harsh obstacles to keep yourself from falling off. This determined focus distracts you from the intensive cardio you are performing, and before you know it, you will be completely drenched in sweat and burning calories without even knowing.

You have to maintain your speed while riding on the terrains to keep yourself from falling over rough obstacles, bumps, or rocks. Maintaining your momentum and riding at a fast and steady speed boosts your heart rate too. This means you do not even slow down while riding a mountain bike, and you don’t even realize it.

Mountain biking is also called a directional sport which means that either you ride in loops or you ride until you hit a waypoint and then reverse your direction. This leads you to spend long hours on the trail and exercise more than any other cardio workout. It’s comparatively easier to work out for 60 minutes or even more without even knowing. While in any different cardio workout, you’ll be drained out of energy within 30-40 minutes.

Although the average heart rate while riding a mountain bike is lower than your heart rate while running, it’s higher than all the other forms of cardio. There are very few cardio exercises that increase your heart rate and increase the energy of your lungs, like mountain biking. It’s not only a great cardio exercise; you tend to lose all of your excess weight on the way.

happy mountain biker

It helps you burn a significant number of calories.

Want to lose all the extra weight without burning yourself too much or even without noticing? Mountain biking is your ultimate answer. It’s as effective as any other workout, if not anymore, but the great thing about utilizing MTB as an exercise is that you can take a break whenever you feel too tired and then complete your circuit.

It’s one of the most effective ways to burn fat quickly where you can completely drain yourself out of energy and then go back again the next day with good spirits. At first, you might feel a bit sore for ten minutes, but once you get the hook of it, you don’t stop until you complete your loop. To make your MTB ride more effective, try incorporating High-Intensity Interval Training tricks into it. You can do it by increasing your speed to the maximum and then slowing it down completely. Interval training will help you keep going, boost your heart rate, and burn calories drastically.

The ultimate focus on intervals will prevent plateauing. Doing the same exercise routine for longer terms proves inefficient because your body gets used to it and doesn’t respond. Changing trails, trying interval techniques, and riding daily keeps you from plateauing. If you want to get rid of all the extra inches and extra weight, MTB should be your new best friend.  

Mountain biking is one of the easiest and effective ways to get rid of all the fat and get in perfect shape without burdening your mind and body too much like you do n other longer workouts. It’s not just good for losing weight; it’s easily accessible too. All you have to do is put your gears on, take your bike out, and hit the trail to get your muscles working without facing the hassles of getting expensive gym memberships. Going to the gym daily and performing long workouts can sometimes be mental torture, but riding a mountain bike when you don’t know what’s coming for you can be an exciting way to lose weight. Just remember one thing; consistency is the key. Do not give up; try different trails, and keep up with the interval training, and MTB can turn out to be the best workout for you.

Hydrating while mountain biking

It strengthens your muscles and joints

You need to prep up your body with machine or strength workouts to make your cardio more effective whenever you do any intensive cardio. However, mountain biking is an exercise that does not need all the hassles. It’s not just the best cardio exercise; it’s also a great strength workout. Riding around rough terrains is not only great cardio; it targets all your muscles and joints efficiently. While riding up the hills, your legs, core, back, shoulders, arms, and all other powers and joints are targeted altogether at once.

The rougher the train, the more your joints, and muscles will be engaged without your body taking much notice of it. You might feel your muscles being too tight and sore after a good MTB ride; that’s only because you didn’t long strength training without even realizing and while having the best time. This practical element of MTB sport is the best way of losing weight, and it helps you with intensive cardio while not compromising on your strength training.

The strength training you get from MTB might not be as practical as a full aerobics class, but it’s enough for you to lose weight, bulk up, and get your body in your desired shape. The perfect blend of cardio and strength exercises differs mountain biking from other sorts of workouts, but this is just one of the many reasons why MTB is the best exercise for pumping up your muscles and losing weight in the process.

Mountain biking affects your muscles and is an excellent exercise for the better functioning of your joints. A high-intensity workout like mountain biking will make your muscles stronger while exercising your joints and ligaments simultaneously. According to Arthritis Foundation, Mountain biking can effectively improve the functioning of your joints, prevent injuries, protect and repair them, and make your coordination system more robust and more efficient.

Outdoor mountain biking

It’s one of the best solutions for mental health problems.

Mountain biking is not only an exercise that you can do anywhere and anytime you want and according to your budget, but it does wonders to your mind. It’s a great way to lose weight, but getting out in the woods and being close to nature will help in the better functioning of your mind as mountain biking helps you discover unimaginable locations, which opens up your mind and enables you to think clearly.

Many studies have repeatedly proved that being out in nature is the most helpful approach to get rid of stress and anxiety, boost productivity and creativity, and help better regulate your hormones. Better regulation of hormones eventually leads to weight loss, uplifting spirits, reduced stress levels, and better functioning of your vital organs. It doesn’t matter if you are an introvert or an extrovert; mountain biking welcomes everyone with a healthy mind.

You can take your mountain bike and go on a solo ride if that’s what makes you happy and content. However, I prefer to ride with friends while we all laugh and race our way through the rough trails.

Suppose you are a social butterfly like me; it’s straightforward to find an MTB partner that will help you along the ride and boost your mental health. Riding with other people have significant benefit for your mind and body. It allows you to stick to your route and not give up. Riding with a group can be highly effective for your mental health as it boosts your energy levels and makes your mood lighter and happier. A good gym workout might be good for your mental health, but utilizing mountain biking as an exercise is the best way to keep your mental health in place and opt for a healthy and active lifestyle.

It’s a fun way to stay healthy.

Remember how we started with those three-wheelers to us trying to ride off-road now. We do it with passion and interest because the mountain is one of the most fun-filled sports, especially if you add variations like interval techniques and varying trails. Biking on the road is a great workout, but it’s nothing compared to riding your way through trails with hidden obstacles all the way. You never know what is waiting for you.

This anticipation makes this ride more fun and interesting than any other sport. Road biking for 100 miles can be an exhausting job; however, riding your bike through turns, twists, steeps, bumps, and nature’s beauty is anything but exhausting.

Mountain biking not only pushes your critical thinking and speed limits but also boosts your adrenaline flow, which gives you a thrill every time you ride. Long, endless miles of smooth pavements can drain all the energy from you and exhaust you mentally before you’re even done with your workout. But mountain biking is nothing like this.

 Riding your way through a windy trail with nature surrounding you from everywhere brings nothing but the feeling of being content. And there are always various trail options available for you to change your trails, so your mind and body don’t get used to it.

Mountain bike switchbacks

It’s a whole-body workout.

Mountain biking obviously gives your thighs and leg muscles a serious training session, but it doesn’t stop there; it strengthens your whole body. You effectively use your arms and core muscles as you conquer many obstacles spread out on the trail. Mountain biking, unlike other sports, doesn’t only require speed; it requires the ultimate strength to keep your body position stable, moving from side to side, moving your body forward and backward, and much more.

It doesn’t matter if you are riding up the hill or paving your way through the rough terrain; mountain biking is a workout that challenges your complete body. And you know what the best part is? It’s fun and exciting. You are targeting your whole body without stressing yourself out and burdening your body. Once you get out on your bike and get in the zone, you forget about everything, and your body keeps releasing adrenaline and endorphins.

It makes your heart healthier.

We all know how exercises are the most helpful approach to strengthen your heart and control your blood and sugar levels? What better way to do it than mountain biking, where you have all the fun, and your heart is getting all its tonics. MTB is an excellent workout for your heart, especially if you do it with variations and intervals techniques. It will help your heart perform better and also control your blood and sugar levels efficiently.

As you vary with speed, your heart rates vary too, which is good for keeping your heart in perfect condition in the long run. Mountain biking also boosts your blood’s ability to supply oxygen to the rest of your body, dilates your blood vessels, and keeps them away from diseases and stoppages.


Mountain biking is an incredible active workout that wards the pressure off. It’s one of the more proficient ways of burning fat without risking injury. Start slow and steadily develop, and you’ll see you feel much improved and more invigorated during the day. Thus, there it is. Mountain biking is the best exercise for weight reduction. Soccer, b-ball, tennis, swimming, they’re all incredible, yet they don’t do the same thing for your body as mountain trekking. Also, other cardio sports like running, cycling, and cross-country skiing have their constraints as well. Mountain biking has my vote.

Diego Nieves

I’m Diego Nieves, an outdoor sports enthusiast. In 2013, I was overweight, unhealthy, and unhappy. I knew my life had to change, and that's when I discovered Obstacle Course Racing (OCR). It gave me the discipline and set of principles to continue the path to health. Now, I’m exploring even more ways to enjoy the outdoors, and I want to bring you along on my journey.

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